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The winner of the FREE FGS REGISTRATION is Helen Bortz of Haysville, Kansas. Congratulations Helen! We look forward to meeting you in Salt Lake! Thanks to all who entered the contest. I am sure we will be doing this next year at both national conferences so please keep watching! And, thanks for your support! John Carter of Georgia was the lucky winner of the NGS Nashville, TN 2005nregistration. We had a great time getting to know each other. He also never thought he would win! There we are having a nice chat over dinner with other friends in Nashville. REMEMBER
that the conference vendor hall is open FREE to the public! No entry
fee for that - just come on over during the posted open hours. Go ahead, enter! Hope to see you there! |
HALL B & C - Salt Palace Convention Center Saturday, 10 September, 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Wednesday, 7 September, 8:00 9:00 AM Societies Going Virtual Thursday, 8 September, 8:00 9:30 AM The Impact of Technological
and Economic Factors on the Future of Genealogy
A unique component of FGS Conferences is the society support and management sessions. These are designed to provide help to the local genealogical societies to grow and better meet the needs of their members. Topics cover many aspects of managing an organization, including projects, publicity, planning, support, and using the Internet. The day also includes the annual FGS Delegate Luncheon and Caucus. Delegates from FGS member societies can share their local societys successes and needs with others in the genealogical community. ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL
GENEALOGISTS Attack Counterattack
Checkmate *This presentation will replace the usual Roundtable. It is open to all APG members and non-members who are registrants of Wednesdays PMC. PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT
CONFERENCE Where Family History
Professionals Meet Visit with colleagues at Wednesday's continental breakfast and lunch (both included in the APG-PMC registration fee). Participants will receive an additional syllabus covering all PMC lecture topics. Registration for the FGS conference is required in addition to the APG registration fee. For additional information see, APG's Web site. JAMES DENT WALKER
MEMORIAL LECTURE* Contraband Camps during
the Civil War *This lecture is presented annually at the FGS Conferences since 1994, and honors the late Jimmie Walker who was one of the most popular and respected lecturers in genealogy. His thirty-year career at the National Archives in Washington D.C. included directorship of the annual Institute of Genealogical Research (now known as the National Institute of Genealogical Research) and supervision of the Military Service Records Section. He did pioneering research on minorities in the American Revolution and helped thousands of genealogists during his career. ANNUAL BANQUET OF
Breathing Life into Family History Steffanis professional storytelling experience includes performances, workshops and classes for: The Utah Performing Arts Tour, The Timpanogos Storytelling Festival Outreach Program, The PBS Ready to Learn Program through KBYU Television, and Cornerstone Academy. Ruth C. Bishop Family
History Volunteer Hall of Honor For more information on nominating a volunteer from your society, visit the FGS Web site at
Family History Center
Support Track Sponsored by the WorldWide Support Services Division of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Opening session followed by lectures that will include a variety of topics, designed to help in the management of a successful Family History Center. Family History Library
Track Learn what collections are held at the Family History Library and how best to use them. Brigham Young University
Track Board for Certification
of Genealogists SkillbuildingTrack FGS and the Board for Certification of Genealogists are proud to offer the latest edition of the Skillbuilding track, a series of presentations designed for researchers who want to improve their research and analytical skills. The presentations in this track, based on current standards in the field, will help improve the research and reporting skills of any serious genealogist. ICAPGen Track EXHIBIT HALL B
& C - Salt Palace Convention Center You are invited to walk through the exhibit hall and view a wide variety of genealogical publications, supplies, and computer programs. Browse through books and purchase those that will help your research. Let the vendors demonstrate their products, answer your questions, and be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to speak with representatives of a wide variety of organizations. Society Hall "LIVE"